Jun 05, 2023

BELFIELD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, August 8th, 2023 – 5:00 pm City Hall – 208 Main Street North Unapproved The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM (MT) by Mayor Jeff Iverson, with Council Members: Kyle Michels, Roger Decker, Edward Braun, present, Councilman Brett Northrop, absent. Attorney Fetch present. Members of the audience include Jesse Hoff, Stark County Sheriff’s Department, Casey Hrabik City Employee, Kevin Hushka, Belfield Fire Department, Diane Buckman, resident. Move to accept the agenda with addition C under new business. (Michels/Braun) All in favor. Move to approve the July 11th, 2023, meeting minutes with changes. (Michels/Braun) All in favor. Move to approve the August 2nd, 2023, Special meeting minutes. (Decker/Michels) All in favor. The Council reviewed and approved the July 2023 financial statement. (Michels/Decker) (Michels-Yes, Braun-Yes, Decker-Yes, Iverson-Yes). The Council approved the following audit bills for July 2023 with additions. (Decker/Braun) (Michels-Yes, Braun-Yes, Decker-Yes, Iverson-Yes). 62516- ROSENBAUER SD, $224,092.00; 62518- ARMOR INTERACTIVE, $1,048.57; 62519- BELFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT, $1,441.17; 62520- BELFIELD PARK DISTRICT, $5,908.20; 62521- BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD, $492.00; 62522- BROSZ ENGINEERING, $9,462.50; 62523- CENTURLINK, $155.74; 62524- CHOICE FINANCIAL, $1,031.00; 62525- CONSOLIDATED, $559.50; 62526-CREATIVE ENERGY, $1,130.72; 62527-ELAN FINANCIAL, $2,857.08; 62528- FORUM COMMINICATIONS, $336.49: 62529-HLEBECHUK CONST., $2,812.70; 62530- KREBS MACHINE, $160.10; 62531- LIBERTY DOORS, $2,150.00; 62532 -LINDE GAS & EQUIPMENT, $50.27; 62533 -MACKOFF KELLOG LAW, $2,552.50; 62534 -MAGUIRE IRON, $2,000.00; 62535- MDU, $4,786.48; 62536 -MENARDS, $810.69; 62537 MGM RURAL SANITATION, $10,266.78; 62538- NAOMI URBAN, $629.16; 62539- NAPA, $1,652.59; 62540 – NEWMAN SIGNS, $995.00; 62541- PITNEY BOWES, $199.80; 62542- PURCHASE POWER, $399.40; 62543- RECORD KEEPERS, $17.50; 62544- ROUGHRIDER ELECTRIC $35.00; 62545- SACKMAN ELECTRIC, $2,217.91; 62546- SANATION PRODUCTS, $635.45; 62547 –SENIOR CITIZENS, $480.39; 62548- SOUTHWEST GRAIN, $210.55; 62549 – SOUTHWEST WATER, $15,576.76; 62550 – SOUTHWESTERN DISTRICT HEALTH, $100.00; 62551- STARK COUNTY AUDITOR, $17,750.00; 62552- TEAM LAB, $898.00; 62553- TOTAL SAFETY, $86.20; 62554 – VERIZON, $200.84; 62555- WESTERN DAKOTA ENERGY, $2,020.56; 61411E- VIVINT, $142.96; 61415E- REVTRAK, $353.94; 61419E- NDPERS, $112.50; 61420E- NDPERS, $112.50; 61412E- NDPERS, $8,227.52; 61413E- NDPERS, $2,748.46; 61417E- ND STATE TAX COMM., $525.07; 61416E- INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, $2,919.41; 61418E- INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, $3,009.26; 502373E- BIWEEKLY ACH, $8,560.10; 502380E- BIWEEKLY ACH, $8,785.22; 502384E- BIWEEKLY ACH, $325.00; TOTAL $353,706.54. Brosz Engineering—Not present Stark County Sheriff’s Report—Jesse Hoff—Discussion 169 calls for service in Belfield, 432.5hours spent west of 116th, hours spent in Belfield 268 for July. Less fireworks complaints in county and Belfield. Will have extra deputies on duty for the Hoedown. Motion to accept the Stark County Sherriff’s Report (Decker/Braun) All in favor Attorney’s Report A. KLJ Requests—Attorney Fetch will reach out to Jon later this week. B. Volunteer Waiver—Is a basic one and will cover the city for any liability issues. C. 20.0702 and 20.0708 Truck and Residential Areas Prohibited Duplication—Discussion Stephen will combine the two and draft something similar for Belfield. Casey will check the signage in town. D. Ordinance moving forward for events, liquor licenses draft. Discussion Councilman Michels-How and when do we enforce security measures, do you need security above and beyond, who hires the security? Attorney Fetch will report at the next meeting. Motion to accept the Attorney’s report (Braun/Michels) All in favor Public Works Report—Casey Streets: Discussion a. Cleaning storm drains—Need to make sure this is done after rains and dirt in the gutters. Mayor Iverson-Casey get with Northern and see when it will fit in for the street repairs and see what the quote covers. We may do some of the sub cut and fabric ourselves to save some money. Will start painting the curbs, handicap, and crosswalks at the end of the week. Water/Sewer: Discussion 1. Gate valve—Discussion 2. Smoke test—old sewer vents need to be capped, 30-day notice to residents to complete is not will hire a plumber to be completed at their expense. 3. SW corner of town finding rags and towels. Mayor Iverson will look at the model from Brosz to find out where it is coming from. The grease is another one we will look at. 4. Curt Kahl—Discussion 5. Past due water bills—Discussion Equipment: 1. Sanding truck/fire truck—Discussion 2. Dump truck—Discussion Suggestion swapping motor out of sander truck to dump truck and put a new clutch in. Make the fire truck into a sander truck. Mayor Iverson let’s look at all the options and get a plan together. Casey asked about buying a hedge trimmer and generator. Refuse/Inert Pile: Discussion Inspection came back good from the state. Mayor Iverson—Brett would like everyone to use the hours that we have set, and debris must be from the city, when he gets back, we will discuss some cost options. Grounds: 1. Have the materials to shingle the building 2. Will work with topsoil to get it draining the right way 3. Pocket Park should be seeded on Friday. New Business A. Finalize the 2024 Budget—Discussion Motion to approve the preliminary budget. (Decker/Michels) (Michels-Yes, Braun-Yes, Decker-Yes, Iverson-Yes). B. Western Dakota Energy Association Dues—Discussion Councilman Braun-How is this number generated? Mayor Iverson-It is based on oil production in the county and schools. Councilman Michels-Looking at using Belfield’s number in an upcoming study so they can show all small towns in oil country aren’t the same and have a lot of needs that aren’t being met by the oil industry, but we still have the hit because of the oil industry. Motion to pay the dues for the Western Dakota Energy Association (Braun/Decker (Michels-Yes, Braun-Yes, Decker-Yes, Iverson-Yes). C. MP Nexlevel—Rent PD Building—Discussion Unfinished Business: Committee Reports: Auditor’s Report: Motion to accept the auditor’s report. (Michels/Decker) All in favor Personnel: Mayor Iverson will have James pick up the toolbox and look to see if they have a generator. Economic Development: Councilman Michels Nothing except another main st. propety would be good thing for our community even if it is a year it brings people downtown. Buildings/ Grounds: Discussion Councilman Michels reported: Theater- more issues need to address the north side roof the rain gutters come down over the back part of the building this is where the rain comes in the building. Looking at adding extensions from the top down to the side and onto the street instead of coming on the lower roof. Pocket Park through a donation it will be seeded with grass on Friday. Received a $1500.00 ND Forest Service Grant, purchased more trees and bushes, it is buy 1 get 1 sale at Second Nature. Will plant these tomorrow. If there is another city project, we want to do trees on there is a second-round grant that opens September 1st. It is an 80-20 match, it is for specific trees, can’t just go buy them, it must be approved by the Forest Service first. Can do a sub if needed, is a process though. Mayor Iverson need to get with Casey the inside of the generator building at the East Lift Station we need to spray foam that skid before winter. Memorial Hall—need to get the bid posted for the upstairs restrooms in paper and Facebook. Fire Hall and Ambulance we redid the gutters to try to shoot the water away from the building. Female bathroom in Fire Hall the water came in under where the meter post is and cracked the whole floor up, will have to do something with that in the future. Miscellaneous: A. Theater Financials—FYI Being no further business, Councilman Decker, made a motion for adjournment at 6:26 pm with the next regular city council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, September 12th, 2023, 5:00pm (Decker/Michels) (Unanimous) ATTEST: Jeff Iverson, Mayor Connie O’Brien, Auditor (Aug. 30, 2023) 252027